Supporting innovations to improve the lives of adolescents and youths
More than any other time in history, young people deserve to be offered comprehensive sexuality and life planning education in a safe and non-judgemental setting. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) is key.
The next generation of Nigerians deserves to have to loud political voice in our densely populated political space. The solution lies in participation and integration.
About 3 out of every 10 Nigeria youth are unemployed. Nigeria needs to create at least 50 million new jobs to bring unemployment to a single figure data. This should be a national emergency.
Investing in the well-being of over 102 million youths will only increase Nigeria’s ability to address the present and future social impairments in our society. How to repetitively set young people on the development agenda is a drive for us.
To actively provide and connect young people with information, services and resources required to thrive and build a resilient society.
A world of valued, informed, and resourced young people driving sustainable change.
Open-mindedness, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Excellence, and Innovation.
Young People Reached Directly
People Reached via Media
SHFs Empowered
Corps Members Up-skilled
Community was named a “Top 25 Best Global Philanthropist” by Barron’s. We beat Oprah. And, Mashable named Alone.
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